Pain control is a common issue when you are dealing with cancer patients. Most of the time the pain is caused from a tumor, but there is the chance pain begins somewhere other than the cancer itself. Surviving cancer and the treatments needed beat cancer can be extremely difficult, especially when excruciating pain accompanies the situation. Finding a way to manage the pain of cancer can help an individual persevere through the ordeal.
Pain can be acute or chronic. Acute pain is severe, but short-lived and chronic is pain that lasts for longer periods of time, and can range from mild to severe. Sometimes patients will experience breakthrough pain, which is pain that breaks through medications prescribed to the patient.
According to the National Comprehensive Cancer Network's (NCCN) August 2005 pain prevention report, one-third of cancer patients experience pain with their treatments. The NCCN also reports that nearly two-thirds of patients with recurring cancer or advanced stages of cancer experience pain.
Pain control is possible, even for those suffering from cancer, and it can give a patient a better quality of life. Pain in cancer patients is most often a result of the cancer itself, but sometimes it can result from a specific treatment, such as radiation therapy.
Pain can be relieved through several ways. For example, pain control can be through medications, relaxation methods, acupuncture or mental therapy sessions. Each patient is unique and pain can be evaluated through a cancer team made up of specialists such as an oncologist, anesthesiologist, pain specialists and your physician.
It is important for you to discuss any pain you experience with your doctor or medical professional so they can figure out what methods would work best for you. The earlier pain is ministered to, the easier it will be to handle it during your cancer treatments.
If you experience pain that is unrelated to your cancer diagnosis, it is important to find the best method to stop the pain before beginning your treatment. For example, arthritis pain prevention can be found through physical therapy sessions, water therapy or oral medications.
If a patient suffers from cancer in the spinal cord, he or she may need to learn about back and neck pain control. This type of pain occurs because the cancer causes the spinal cord to compress, causing sharp pains in the back and neck regions.
Pain control means finding a way for you to live a functional life, especially when you are trying to battle cancer. There are several methods used today to help alleviate pain in patients. The National Cancer Institute's (NCI) web site discusses medicines used to alleviate pain, such as antidepressants, morphine or over-the-counter pain relievers.
The NCI also mention certain treatments that don't involve medications. These methods use massages, acupuncture treatments, rhythmic breathing and biofeedback to find a solution for a patient's pain. All of these treatments can assist with treating swelling or severe aches often associated with cancer.
Every individual is different, and their bodies are going to react differently to medication and therapy. You should always inform your doctor of recurring pain so he or she can give you advice given on finding a pain-relieving treatment that fits your particular situation.
Your doctor can find a means to administer pain control when you are taking treatments for cancer. All that is needed is some basic information from you about where the pain is and how long it lasts. Fighting cancer does not have to be a never ending uphill battle. Instead, it can be made a more manageable experience thanks to proper medications and therapies administered by a physician.
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